Well, the fishing trip went well and I learned a big, big thing about myself… I cannot code on a bus. I have always suffered from motion sickness, but man alive I had no idea how difficult it was for me to do something as simple as just sketch ideas. Combine that with a feeling […]
Apologies for the scarcity of posts lately. I seem to have fallen short of my personal promise to myself of keeping my customers “in the know” and so a quick update today is in order. Thus far, filewrangler 2.0 seems to be well received. Sales are almost nonexistent, but downloads are decent considering there have […]
Now that filewrangler 2.0 has been released, I’m taking a short road-trip around the American Southwest, visiting the Grand Canyon, San Diego, Disney, etc… I will be issuing licenses while on the road (not to worry), and the 2.0.1 update will wait until I get back to an internet connection that isn’t described as “squirrely.” […]
I apologize for the lateness of this post, considering my original plan was to release file_wrangler_2 in the first half of this month. A move and heavy job searching/interviewing occupied quite a lot of time, but I was able to make progress. As such, I’m happy to announce that the BETA was released to a […]
I can’t believe it is only Wednesday; it feels like next Thursday so much has been going on. Java projects are done and turned in, Java final is over, freelance work is done (for now), gave a speech at last night’s Spoilrr Meetup event, trying to coordinate people buying my furniture, prepping for this week’s […]