file_wrangler_2 and the FWFileRepManager class

This week has been spent working on the FWFileRepManager class. It is, essentially, a controller class for all things FWFileRep-related (formally CDFileRep, as seen in a prior post), which includes handling the list of file paths one may be interested in, which is a unique and separate list to the list of files one may […]

Considerations of the file_wrangler_2 Base Class

CDFileRepresentation is the core, base class upon which file_wrangler_2 is built. For every file and folder a user of the program wants to potentially rename, one CDFileRepresentation stands in for that object. New file names are often derived from metadata of each individual file and folder of interest in a renaming session. For example, one […]

file_wrangler_2 notes and sketches

I feel I’ve been talking a lot of theory, but not showing anything for my work of late. Today is photo day. Perhaps you will glean a piece or two of information from these snapshots of my file_wrangler_2 design notes. They are (intentionally) fairly small and low-resolution as the intent is simply to reify the […]

file_wrangler_2, further UI work

I believe I’ve narrowed in on the basic building blocks of the new file_wrangler_2. I’ve been designing and re-designing and re-re-designing, trying to get a handle on how to make the ideas in my mind’s eye fit with reality. Some ideas turned out to be overly ambitious, some were unwieldy, some were just plain BAD […]

file_wrangler_2 UI Considerations

Spent the better part of last week (and will spend quite a bit of time this week) mocking up the UI for file_wrangler_2. The basic, driving concept behind the design decisions is in understanding how to break down renaming tasks into discrete, actionable units. While studying similar software (A Better Finder Rename, Renamer, etc.) I […]