file_wrangler_2 BETA detail

I apologize for the lateness of this post, considering my original plan was to release file_wrangler_2 in the first half of this month. A move and heavy job searching/interviewing occupied quite a lot of time, but I was able to make progress. As such, I’m happy to announce that the BETA was released to a […]

Things are Developing

I can’t believe it is only Wednesday; it feels like next Thursday so much has been going on. Java projects are done and turned in, Java final is over, freelance work is done (for now), gave a speech at last night’s Spoilrr Meetup event, trying to coordinate people buying my furniture, prepping for this week’s […]

file_wrangler_2 “Alpha” reached!

A big push this week to get an early version into a few testers’ hands today for an early alpha of file_wrangler_2. I’m very happy to have the program to a point I’m ready to share with a small group and after using it for a while, it is difficult for me to use other, […]

Quick Update

I’m a bit overdue keeping up with the blog lately, so here’s just a quick update on the goings-on (going-ons?). file_wrangler_2 Lots of good progress has been made over the past two weeks with file_wrangler_2’s user interface. Some big breakthroughs, some design reconsiderations, some learning… it all amounts to a pretty interesting way of dealing […]

Three Left Turns Make a Right: Learning to Learn

This has been a very productive week for me as a programmer, and I mean that in the gestaltist sense of the word. Java skills? Level up! Applescript skills? Level up! Program design skills? Level up! Cocoa skills? BIG level up! Perhaps the aspect of programming that I enjoy the most is the iterative process […]