The first major hurdle is jumped, as filewrangler now at least launches on Mavericks. Some things have clearly broken with the new OS (drag and drop is completely broken; UI isn’t drawing properly) and I’m currently focused on those. Once filewrangler behaves like its old self, the previously known bugs will be addressed and we’ll […]
A very happy new year to everyone. Here’s a quick rundown of what’s happening with filewrangler and the Mavericks update. Clearly the update was not ready in time for end-of-2013 as I had hoped. I apologize for the continuing delays, but in going through and auditing the codebase, the necessary modifications are surprisingly numerous. Changes […]
As many of you have realized by now, filewrangler is not compatible with Apple’s latest OS release, Mavericks (née OS X 10.9). The delay in getting filewrangler updated comes down to a few things: Mavericks coming out for free has resulted in atypically swift adoption by my user base. I was simply unprepared for this. […]
Just wanted to give a quick status update on how things are going with filewrangler. My plans to work on a dot update we’re thrown under a bus, almost literally. I was recently struck from behind by a bus and had to go to the hospital. I’m recovering well right now, but I can’t say […]
Lion was officially released, and while it is not an endorsement per-se, I’m happy to see filewrangler’s orange gears used throughout Apple’s promotional materials. They look good on the dark blue backdrop used to demonstrate Launchpad, don’t you think? I attended WWDC this year and was pleased as punch to see filewrangler’s icon in basically […]